IT Services & Support are like Lingerie

With some businesses enjoying pretty but somewhat flimsy IT services which look great. Yet having none of the resilience required for running a marathon of business, tearing easily at the seams.

Other businesses leave their IT systems for years, allowing them to become not only grey and scruffy with time. Also experience sagging support and edges fraying.  This leaves the business owner praying he is not caught in a compromising position – with someone having to look closer.  Yet he continues to persevere until their business systems just fall down.

The smarter business should seek to strike a balance, finding a cost effective, tailored, support service. Having equipment that can provide current functionality for sensible everyday business use.

So J & J Systems is like Marks and Spencer Sports underwear – giving a quality product that will wear over time but provide constant support in a stylish manner.

So if you know a business who would benefit from a tailored support contract for their IT services get them to ring Jacqui – who is looking to replace grey tatty lingerie with smart sports underwear all over Kent and the South East.