Information Slot 20/11/2013

Information Slot – The Night Before BoB Club

Twas the night before bob, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The computer was packed by the doorway with care,
Knowing that the morning soon would be there.

The dogs were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of pussy cats danced in their heads.
I considered my 60 seconds as a rap
Before I settled my brain for a nap.

Networking it seems can be all a natter
But talking and sharing is really what matters
Friends who we like will share all their leads
We simply should work on sewing those seeds

Nurturing friendship works very well
Causing your business to grow and to swell
With help and advice sometimes given for free
BoBClub can be very useful you’ll agree

We all need accountants, book keepers too
Plumbers and photographers, utility saving & websites it’s true
Lets not forget the devil insurance, finance and more
BoBClub appeal covers all bases for sure

So with Christmas approaching a little too fast
Let’s make 2013 go out with a blast
Lets pick up our referral slips & think of some work
For your friends in the BoBClub where ever they lurk